REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering

Title: REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering
ISSN: 2746-0401
Indexed: Google ScholarGarudaROADCrossref
Accreditation: SINTA 4
DOI Prefix: 10.52759/reactor 
by Crossref
Professional Bodies: Asosiasi Pendidikan Teknik Kimia Indonesia

REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering is a scientific journal published by the Unit of Research and Community Empowerment, Politeknik ATI Padang, Indonesia. REACTOR is published twice a year, namely in June and December. It publishes articles within the scope of Chemical and chemical engineering research. REACTOR works closely with Asosiasi Pendidikan Teknik Kimia Indonesia (APTEKIM) which provides editorial members, peer reviewers, and authors, APTEKIM are professional institutions related to REACTOR's aims and scopes. REACTOR was Crossref member and used DOI prefix 10.52759/reactor. We look forward to receiving articles from potential authors, please search our homepage for information and instructions.



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Posted: 2024-02-29

End of Year 2022


Dear Authors, Readers and Reviewers

As the year 2022 is closing, we are delighted to share the distribution of author affiliation coverage in REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering this year. With this map, we set our strategy for the coming years, during which we will continue to grow. We always strive to disseminate knowledge and technology. Your help in promoting REACTOR to reach a wider range of authors is important to us, and we are very grateful. Keep sending us your best articles, and we'll grow together.

Posted: 2022-12-31

Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Published in December 2023

Reactor | Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering Vol 4, No 2, 2023 consists of 5 articles with author affiliations originating from:

  • Politeknik ATI Makassar
  • Politeknik Energi dan Pertambangan Bandung
  • Politeknik Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia
  • Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali
  • Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Universitas Surabaya
  • Universitas Andalas
  • Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Fatahillah Cilegon
  • Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Politeknik ATI Padang

Table of Contents


Gyan Prameswara, Andi Nurfaadilah Ulfah, Cipta Panghegar Supriadi, Iga Trisnawati, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus
DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v4i2.97 | Views: 71 | Downloads: 20
Dennis Farina Nury, Muhammad Zulfikar Luthfi, Ahmad Rifqiyan Farohi, Tri Widjaja
DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v4i2.99 | Views: 15 | Downloads: 12
Clarisa Hany Az Zahra, Mega Mustikaningrum, Fikrah Dian Indrawati Sawali, Pra Cipta Buana Wahyu Mustika
DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v4i2.106 | Views: 18 | Downloads: 5
Muhammad Seachan Fadila, Moh. Azhar Afandy, Suhirman Suhirman, Muhammad Iqbal Al Fuady
DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v4i2.100 | Views: 16 | Downloads: 8
Netri Elisma, Emriadi Emriadi, Ahmad Darmawi
DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v4i2.109 | Views: 24 | Downloads: 12